New Rules for UT3 BTA 2on2 OpenCup Fall 2011
A new rule will be applicated on the current BTA 2v2 Cup. An anti-cheat, called "Wrex", has been recently developped and will be used during this Cup.
You have to read theses instructions below to be able to play :
First of all, please download Wrex at and save it on your computer (location doesn't matter)
Before a match, launch Wrex, accept the terms of use, then start a scan.
When the scan completed, you can then start UT3 and join the server of the match.
During the match, the administrator can start a scan from the server if needed.
If one or more of these rules are not followed, you will be automatically kicked from the server.

Server 3 from us runs with Wrex. If you want play or practice there, be sure you run Wrex!

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